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Board Director 理事会成员
Justin Kong

Justin Kong 江永聪 is a labour, community and progressive political organizer and activist. Justin has been previously involved as  a former board member and staff at CCNCTO. He is excited about the opportunity to potentially continue to support the work of CCNCTO at  the board level. In his day job, Justin currently works at a labour union. Justin believes the importance of building community power to ensure the interest of working and marginalized people can be advanced. Justin grew up in Scarborough and continues to lives in Scarborough with his family.


江永聪是一位劳工、社区和进步政治组织者和活动家。 Justin是平权会(多伦多分会)的前理事会成员和工作人员。 他很高兴有机会通过重新加入理事会来继续支持平权会的工作。 在日常工作中,Justin目前在工会担任劳工教育员。 Justin认为,建立社区力量以确保劳动人民和边缘化人群的利益非常重要。 Justin在士嘉堡长大,并继续会与家人一起住在士嘉堡。

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