*本网站上的内容仅供一般参考之用,并不构成法律或其他专业建议或意见* 您有两个申请CERB协助金的方法:
A. 第一个申请方法:打电话申请
B. 第二个申请方法:上网在CRA税务局申请 (需要CRA账户) 英文官方网站: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/apply-for-cerb-with-cra.html
A. 打电话申请
电话去申请有两个电话,两个都一样: 1-800-959-2019 或者 1-800-959-2041.
1. 当你链接后系统会说: "Welcome to Canada Emergency Benefit Fund Help Line. 【FRENCH】For English Press 1【FRENCH】2. "欢迎联系加拿大协助金电话线。您想用英文还是法文?如果英文请安 1,如果发文请安 2。"
2. 然后系统会说 ”Please enter your 9 digits of social insurance number or your tax number.” 请输入您的 9 位的SIN工卡号码或者你的报税号码。" 比如说您的工卡是 123 456 789 你就需要按 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
3.系统会说: "Please wait while we process your request。请等一下我们在研究您能否符合”
如果你符合的话系统会说: “如果你符合申请条件你会收到 【支票】" 或者 "如果你符合申请条件你会收到【直接转账】" 。If you are eligible you will receive your payment it by check. If you are eligible you will receive your payment by direct deposit.
- 如果是支票的话系统会问你关于你地址的问题 “您的邮箱编号是 XXX YYY 这个是对的吗?如果是对的请按 1 如果不是请按2". 如果你按 2 的话系统会告诉你你需要联系税务局,电话就会断。 4. 然后系统会跟你说: To confirm your identity please enter your year of birth ”为了确定您的身份,请输入您的生日年份“。您就需要打进去您出生的年份比如说”1980年: 1 , 9,8,0。
5. 系统会说: “您要申请哪一个周期的福利? 如果您要申请3月15日到4月11日,请按 1。“ Which period are you applying for? If you are applying for March 15 to April 11 please press 1. 直接按 1 就行。
6. 系统会说: ”请确认以下信息:您居住在加拿大, 您由于COVID19相关的原因,您已经停止或将停止工作,您在您申请的四个星期内至少连续14天,您将不会获得与产假或陪产假相关的工作或自雇收入或联邦或省级福利,您没有自愿辞职,您没有申请,也没有在同一有效期内获得CERB或就业保险金。您在过去12个月或2019年从就业或自雇收入或生育或陪产假收入中获得至少$ 5000的收入。您必须证明此信息正确无误,并承认提供虚假信息是刑事犯罪。
如果您证明自己符合所有这些要求,并且了解必须偿还您无权收到的款项,请按1。如果不能按 2,重复收听按星号。 Confirm the following to:you reside in Canada, you have stopped or will stop working due to reasons related to COVID19, or at least 14 consecutive days of the four week period you are applying you will not be recieving employment or self employment income or federal or provincial benefits related to maternity or paternity leave, you have not quit your job voluntarily, you have not applied for nor are you recieving the CERB or the employment insurance benefits for the same eligibility period, you earned a minimum of $5000 in income within the last 12 months or in 2019 from employment or self employment income or from maternity or paternity benefits, you must certify that this info is true and correct and acknowledge making a false benefits is a criminal offense. If you certify you meet all these requirements and understand you must repay any payments you are not entitled please press 1. If no press 2, to repeat press star.
7. 当你按1之后系统就会高您的申请。恭喜你!
B. 上网申请(需要CRA税务局账户)

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