Throughout May-August we onboarded 3 summer students to assist with event facilitation, volunteer organizing, and community outreach. We are excited to share some of their progress, and achievements they accomplished throughout their time. We asked them to share a bit about themselves, their stories, and what brought them to CCNCTO.
summer-students-2024-spotlight-2024年暑期学生亮点在5月到8月期间,我们招收了 3 名暑期学生,协助平权会的活动协作、志愿者组织和社区外展等工作。我们很高兴能与大家分享他们的一些进步,以及他们在此期间所取得的成就。我们请他们介绍一下自己的故事以及为什么他们会加入平权会。

Su: Hi all, my name is Su and for the past few months, I have been with CCNCTO as both a placement and summer student. I am a student at Toronto Metropolitan University and will be entering my third year in child and youth care. Coming from someone who had little to no clue what community work meant, I have grown a lot and have come to cherish this space and the members of it. During this time, I also got to know many youth, seniors, and working folks and their stories that led them to CCNCTO. It was inspiring, considering that despite all our differences, we as a community could gather and find ways to share our lived experiences and understand each other. Recalling our community BBQ event, I was happy to see folks-including workers that our team had recruited during outreach. It was also great to see youth and seniors come together and share ideas during games and activities. I hope that CCNCTO will continue to provide spaces and opportunities for the Chinese community, workers, youth, and seniors to gather and connect.
Su: 大家好,我叫Su,在过去的几个月里,我一直在平权会担任实习生和暑期学生。我是多伦多都市大学的学生,即将进入儿童和青少年护理专业的第三年。我以前不太知道社区工作意味着什么,在平权会学习的期间,我成长了很多,并且开始珍惜这个空间和我们的社区成员。在此期间,我还认识了许多年轻人、老年人和工人,以及吸引他们加入平权会的故事。尽管我们之间有种种不同,但我们作为一个社区可以聚集在一起,并找到方法来分享我们的生活经历以及相互理解,这是一件鼓舞人心的事情。回想起我们的社区烧烤活动,我很高兴看到大家,包括我们团队在外展期间招募的工人,年轻人和长者聚集在一起,在游戏和活动中分享想法。我希望平权会继续为华人社区、工人、青年和长者提供聚集和联系的空间和机会。

John: Hi members of CCNCTO! My name is John and for the past two months I’ve been a summer student here. I’m a student at the University of Toronto and will be starting a Masters degree in computer science. I was born in Fuzhou, but I immigrated to Canada when I was two years old. I joined CCNCTO because I was interested in their intergenerational programming, and through the community events, workshops and outreach, was able to connect with folks of diverse backgrounds. One thing that surprised me this summer was that many of the events CCNCTO organizes provide a “third place”, a space for the community to gather and exchange ideas, backgrounds and experiences.
One of my favourite memories this past summer was the Western Cooking event led by youth! It was great to see the youth step up into roles of responsibility and take leadership roles in a community event. My hope for CCNCTO in the future is to continue providing opportunities for youth to step into leadership roles and responsibilities. After all, they’re our future!
John:平权会的成员们好!我叫林思潮,在过去的两个月里,我是这里的暑期学生。我是多伦多大学的学生,即将开始攻读计算机科学硕士学位。我出生在福州,两岁时移民到加拿大。我加入平权会是因为我对他们的跨代际计划很感兴趣,通过社区活动、工作坊和外展活动,我与不同背景的人建立了联系。今年夏天让我感到惊讶的一件事是,平权会组织的许多活动都提供了一个 “第三空间”,一个让社区居民聚集在一起交流想法、背景文化和个人经验的空间。

Ellah: Hi! My name is Ellah and I’m one of the summer students at CCNCTO this year. I am a nursing student at Toronto Metropolitan University, and one of the reasons I joined CCNCTO is because I am interested in exploring the field of social work. Before this job opportunity, I had participated in CCNCTO’s youth programs and volunteered. This summer, I unlocked new experiences working at this organization. I took part in facilitating intergenerational events, in which I was able to connect with both youth and seniors. During one of the training workshops, I learned about the Chinese elder’s perspective compared to the youth’s perspective on resolving family conflicts. It was truly eye-opening and intriguing to listen to various opinions. I am encouraged to continue understanding the older generation’s way of thinking and work towards bridging the generational gap. The most memorable moment at CCNCTO was during the Zongzi event, our community members came together to wrap Zongzi. The elders taught the younger participants how to wrap Zongzi while sharing their wisdom. On the other hand, the younger generations are enhancing their knowledge of Chinese culture and preserving an important culinary tradition. I hope that CCNCTO will support more Chinese workers in the future and that our event gatherings will foster a sense of belonging among community members.
