Photo by Darryl Dyck for The Canadian Press
Anti-Asian Racism Advocacy in Schools
This is a timeline of the work of CCNCTO in advocating for anti-Asian racism in schools by sending collective letters, conducting surveys and gathering petition signatures throughout 2022-2023.
While this page displays some of the crucial school advocacy work that CCNCTO and community members have engaged in from 2022-2023, there are many other events that haven’t been listed here. Our community members have engaged in far more campaigning and advocacy work, relationship building with stakeholders, and community consultation to revise and evaluate our approach to advocacy.
Our work will continue strong in the 2023-2024 school year to ensure that we can see a more equitable school system.
这是平权会在 2022 至 2023 年间通过发集体信,开展调查和收集请愿签名等方式,在学校中倡导解决反亚裔种族主义的工作时间表。
本页展示了 2022 至 2023 年间平权会和社群成员参与的一些重要的学校倡导工作,还有许多其他的活动没有在此列出。我们的社群成员参与了非常多的活动和倡导工作,与重要相关方建立联系,并通过社群咨询来修订和评估我们的倡导方式。
我们将在 2023 - 2024 学年继续努力,以确保我们能够看到一个更加公平的学校系统。
May 2023 年 5 月
Social Media
to Visibilize Systemic
Anti-Asian Racism
The TDSB and YRDSB need to recognize anti-Asian racism as a systemic issue in their schools and create a community-first action plan
to dismantle anti-Asian racism!
May 2023 年 5 月
Alongside our social media campaign we re-launched our petition from 2022 to allow folks to show public support for TDSB and YRDSB raising an anti-Asian racism motion.
在我们发起社交媒体宣传活动的同时,我们再次发布了 2022 年的请愿书,让公众支持多伦多教育局(TDSB)和约克区教育局(YRDSB)提出消除反亚裔种族主义的提案。
March 2023 年 3 月
From January to March 2023, CCNCTO launched a community survey to understand what issues are impacting our Asian-identifying youth, parents, guardians, and families in schools.
Our document visualizes student, parents, and guardians' responses to our survey regarding anti-Asian racism at schools and pinpoints areas where they have expressed need for support.
自 2023 年 1 月至 3 月,平权会发起了一项社群调查,以了解学校中有哪些问题正影响着我们的亚裔青年、家长、监护人和家庭。
November 2022 年 11 月
In November, following a plan from YRDSB to create a ‘Dismantling Anti-Asian Racism’ approach and report, CCNCTO and community partners sent YRDSB a collective letter to urge the Board to address the rise of anti-Asian racism in collaboration with community members and organizations.
This letter requested that the Board develop a more comprehensive community-first strategy and action plan to address anti-Asian racism immediately, which included improving the current research and writing process of their ‘Dismantling Anti-Asian Racism Report’.
11 月,在约克区教育局计划制定一项“消除反亚裔种族主义”方法和报告后,平权会和社群伙伴向约克区教育局发出了一封集体信,敦促教育局理事会与社群成员和组织合作,解决日益严重的反亚裔种族主义问题。这封信要求理事会制定一个更全面的社群优先的行动计划,以立即开始着手解决反亚裔种族主义问题,包括改进其“消除反亚裔种族主义报告”目前的研究和撰写过程。
May 2022 年 5 月
In addition to a collective letter, a petition was launched to show public support for TDSB and YRDSB raising an anti-Asian racism motion.
May 2022 年 5 月
A collective letter signed by 13 organizations, stakeholders, and experts in the field was sent to TDSB to urge the Board to address the rise of anti-Asian racism. This letter was drafted in collaboration with community members and organizations.
把由 13 个组织、重要相关方和领域专家签署的集体信寄给约克区教育局,敦促教育局理事会解决日益严重的反亚裔种族主义问题。这封信是由社群成员和组织合作起草的。