A Year of Racist Attacks: Anti-Asian Racism Across Canada
One Year into the Covid-19 Pandemic
The report was released by the Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter (CCNCTO), Chinese Canadian National Council Social Justice (CCNC-SJ), Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic, Civic Engagement Network, Project 1907, #Elimin8Hate, Vancouver Asian Film Festival.
Executive Summary:
From March 10th, 2020 to February 28th, 2021 there were 1150 cases of racist attacks from across Canada reported on our web platforms with 835 cases reported on covidracism.ca and 315 cases reported to elimin8hate.org. Data analysis was conducted using data up to December 31st, 2020.
40% and 44% of all cases of racist attacks and incidents were reported from Ontario and British Columbia respectively.
11% of all reported attacks and incidents contained a violent physical assault and/or unwanted physical contact.
10% of all attacks and incidents included a form of assault through being coughed at and/or being spat on.
Those who identify as women represent close to 60% of all reported cases, while those who identify as men are twice as likely to report a physical assault.
While the majority of those impacted are East Asians (accounting for 84% of all reports), Southeast Asians also accounted for 6% of all reported incidents.
In addition to public spaces, spaces in the food sector (grocery stores, restaurants etc.) were a prominent site of racist attacks accounting for almost 1/5th of all racist attacks/incidents.
Children and adolescents/youth (under 18) and Older Adults/seniors (55+) were much more likely to report being physically assaulted (42% and 57% more likely respectively) and more likely to report being coughed at and spat on (233% and 250%, respectively) than those who are young adults (Ages 19-35).
Individuals who reported an incident in Chinese were much more
likely to report suffering from emotional distress (34% more likely) and experiencing physical assault (100% more likely) than those who
reported an incident in English. -
Individuals who suffered racist attacks and incidents wanted
more public education, collective action against racism,
policy changes and more individual support.

这份报告由平权会(CCNCTO),全加华人社会公义理事会(CCNC-SJ),华越柬寮法律援助中心,民进会,Project 1907,#Elimin8Hate 和温哥华亚洲电影节发布。
从 2020 年 3 月 10 日至 2021 年 2 月 28 日,我们的网络平台上收到了来自加拿大各地的共 1150 起种族主义袭击事件的报告,其中,covidracism.ca 上收到了835起报告,elimin8hate.org 上收到了315起报告。分析数据截至于 2020 年 12月 31 日。
在所有种族主义袭击事件报告中,分别有 40% 和 44% 来自于安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚省。
11% 的事件涉及肢体暴力和/或不当的身体接触。
自我认同为女性的人的提交报告占所有报告数量的 60% 左右,而自我认同为男性的人报告肢体袭击的可能性是女性的两倍。
大多数受影响的人都是东亚人(占所有报告的 84%),东南亚人占所有报告事件的 6%。
与年轻人(19-35岁)相比,儿童,青少年(18岁以下)和老年人(55岁以上)更有可能报告遭受了肢体袭击(分别多出 42% 和 57%),被人咳嗽和吐口水(分别多出 233% 和 250%)。
用中文报告事件的人比用英文报告事件的人更易遭受精神损害(多出 34%)和肢体袭击(多出 100%)。