Senior Organizing Project
Chinese seniors are a fast-growing visible minority group in Canada, whose marginalization within the Chinese community is compounded by ageism. Our Senior Organizing Project aims to empower Chinese seniors, including those from low-income, working class, (im)migrant, and precarious immigration status backgrounds.
By working together, we hope to 1) improve our community’s understanding of barriers faced by marginalized Chinese seniors, 2) improve our capacity to support marginalized Chinese seniors, and 3) strengthen community organizations’ capacities to serve Chinese working seniors in the GTA. Through direct outreach, organizing meetings, justice-based workshops, and campaign involvement, we aim to work alongside Chinese seniors to create systemic change that benefits all.
As part of our Senior Organizing Project, CCNCTO and members support many policy changes that align with our Worker Organizing Project, including campaigns such as Status for All, fairer labour laws including paid sick leave and raising the minimum hourly wage. Our goal in organizing seniors is to build a thriving, connected, and empowered Chinese senior community in the long term.
华裔长者是加拿大快速增长的明显少数群体,他们在华人社区中的边缘化因年龄歧视而加剧。 我们的长者组织项目旨在增强华裔长者的能力,包括来自低收入、工人阶级、移民和不稳定移民身份背景的长者。
通过共同努力,我们希望 1) 提高社区对边缘化华裔长者所面临障碍的理解,2) 提高我们支持边缘化华裔长者的能力,3) 加强社区组织为大多伦多地区华裔工作长者服务的能力。 通过直接外展、组织会议、基于正义的研讨会和参与活动,我们的目标是与华裔长者一起创造造福所有人的系统性变革。
作为我们长者组织项目的一部分,平权会(CCNCTO)和成员支持许多与我们的工人组织项目相一致的政策变化,包括人人有身份等活动、更公平的劳动法(包括带薪病假)和提高最低工资。 我们组织长者的目标是长期建立一个繁荣、互联、赋权的华裔长者社区。
If you are interested in joining our senior organizing project, please sign up as a CCNCTO volunteer here https://forms.gle/YJJQMPQ9kfAfKxU69. Also, to stay up to date with our latest initiatives and events, please follow us on Instagram @CCNCTO, add us on WeChat @Ccncto2, email us at info@ccnctoronto.ca, and/or subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here.
如果您有兴趣加入我们的长者组织项目,请在此处注册成为平权会的志愿者 https://forms.gle/YJJQMPQ9kfAfKxU69。 此外,要了解我们的最新举措和活动,请在 Instagram @CCNCTO 上关注我们,在微信 @Ccncto2 上添加我们,向我们发送电子邮件至 info@ccnctoronto.ca,和/或点击此处订阅我们的时事通讯。
* This handbook was made in collaboration with an advisory committee, made up of Chinese working senior (im)migrants. Youth and other working adults also assisted with the creation and finalization of this handbook. All information in this handbook was last updated on March 31, 2024 * 本手册是与一个由华裔工作长者移民组成的咨询委员会合作编写的。 青少年和其他职业成年人也协助编写和完成了本手册。 本手册中的所有信息最后更新日期为 2024 年 3 月 31 日