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Board Secretary 理事会文书
Stephanie Fung
Stephanie Fung 馮葉 currently organizes with nurses and health workers across Ontario for better wages and working conditions. Before moving to Toronto, she organized with low-income Chinese seniors and residents fighting for more affordable housing in Vancouver Chinatown. She is grateful to work again with community, specifically CCNCTO members, to build collective power and action.
馮葉在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华出生并长大,祖籍中国广东。 她去年搬到多伦多,目前担任安大略省护士协会的工会组织者,支持安大略省的护士和卫生工作者争取更好的工资和工作条件。 在此之前,她花了六年时间组织低收入老年人和居民在温哥华唐人街争取更多经济适用房,并向他们学习。 她喜欢阅读和骑自行车探索这座城市,同时尝试学习如何应对多伦多交通。
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